Toyota Land Cruiser
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Annonce créée le19 Octobre
Annonce créée le19 Octobre
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DétailsToyota Land Cruiser
+1978 820 2255
Moteur6 L
Boîte de vitessesAutomatique
Kilométrage5 200 km
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+1978 820 2255
Appeler le vendeur
+1978 820 2255
Fairly Used 2015-2016-Toyota-Land+Cruiser-V8 4dr_4x4 for sale, car still in excellent working condition both inside and out-side. Kindly contact us via WhatsApp +19788202255 for more details, price and pictures. Once upon a time, SUVs were designed to go off road first and do everything else second. The main job of the Series Land Rovers and Jeep CJ line was to reach the world's most extreme places in the most difficult conditions. The fact that they could carry a bunch of people was a bonus.The evolution of the SUV came when more and more consumers fell in love with high-riding vehicles and companies realized they could make serious profits marketing and selling SUVs and car-based crossovers. With that, we got vehicles like the the Ford Explorer and Honda CR-V – products that delivered a high ride height and spacious interior, but offered limited off-road ability. Even the Land Rovers and Jeeps began to change, offering better driving dynamics, more cosseting rides, and improved fuel